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EU General Court 2010 - Astrazeneca decision

  • The EU General Court: “Article 82 EC prohibits a dominant undertaking from eliminating a competitor and thereby strengthening its position by using methods other than those which come within the scope of competition on the merits”
  • A key conclusion: “the Commission applied Article 82 EC correctly in taking the view that the submission to the patent offices of objectively misleading representations by an undertaking in a dominant position which are of such a nature as to lead those offices to grant it SPCs to which it is not entitled or to which it is entitled for a shorter period, thus resulting in a restriction or elimination of competition, constituted an abuse of that position. ”
  • The Courts initial reasoning: “the Court observes that the submission to the public authorities of misleading information liable to lead them into error and therefore to make possible the grant of an exclusive right {a supplementary protection certificate, in this case},  to which an undertaking is not entitled, or to which it is entitled for a shorter period, constitutes a practice falling outside the scope of competition on the merits which may be particularly restrictive of competition”
  • On the general principle: “in so far as an undertaking in a dominant position is granted an unlawful exclusive right as a result of an error by it in a communication with public authorities, its special responsibility not to impair, by methods falling outside the scope of competition on the merits, genuine undistorted competition in the common market requires it, at the very least, to inform the public authorities of this so as enable them to rectify those irregularities”
  • “The Court rejects the applicants’ argument that a finding of an abuse of a dominant position requires that an exclusive right obtained as a result of misleading representations has been enforced. When granted by a public authority, an intellectual property right is normally assumed to be valid and an undertaking’s ownership of that right is assumed to be lawful. The mere possession by an undertaking of an exclusive right normally results in keeping competitors away, since public regulations require them to respect that exclusive right. Furthermore, to the extent that the applicants argue that an intellectual property right must have been exercised in legal proceedings, that argument would tend to make the application of Article 82 EC conditional on the contravention by competitors of the public regulations by their infringing the exclusive right of an undertaking; that argument must be rejected.”
  • The CJEU dismissed the appeal. The fine set by the General Court was about EUR 50 million. This fine was for the finding that the parties “have infringed Article 82 of the Treaty and Article 54 of the EEA Agreement by the pattern of misleading representations before patent offices in Belgium, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and the United Kingdom and before national courts in Germany and Norway”. 
  • Edits with {...} are made by me.

Case T‑321/05 AstraZeneca v. Commission [2010] ECLI:EU:T:2010:266
Case C-457/10 P AstraZeneca v. Commission [2012] ECLI:EU:C:2012:770 published 19.07.2006


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