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Registered A.D.
Legal Notice
  1. Mr. _________
    Son of _________
    Resident of _________
  2. Mr. _________
    Son of _________
    Resident of _________
Dear Sirs,
  1. That you entered into an Agreement to purchase the _________ land measuring _________ out of the land bearing _________ No. _________, which is situated within the revenue estate of _________ vide to Agreement to sell dated _________.
  2. That total sale consideration of the said land was settled at _________/- (_________ only) out of which you paid _________/- (_________ only) as earnest money to my above named clients on the same day. My clients executed the separate cash receipt in the presence of witnesses.
  3. That as per the terms and conditions of the Agreement to sell the date for execution and registration of the sale deed was fixed at _________. On _________ you assured to come presence before the office of Sub Registrar, _________.
  4. That on _________ my said clients ready and willing to perform their part of contract/Agreement to sell, reached the office of Sub Registrar, _________ with all necessary documents and waited for _________ and also presented an affidavit of attendance before the Sub Registrar, _________ but in the closing hours on dated _________ you did turn up to perform your part of contract on the same day and _________.
  5. That _________
  6. That as per the terms and conditions of the Agreement to sell _________.
Copy of this notice is kept in my office for record.
_________, Advocate, _________

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