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Property Construction N.O.C. (No Objection Certificate) Affidavit

I, _________ Son/daughter/Wife of _________, Resident of _________ do hereby affirm and declare as under: –
1.    That I am owner in possession of _________.
2.    That after purchasing the said property has not been transferred to anybody.
3.    That no dues are pending as on date.
4.    That after purchasing I have never sold the above said property
5.    That if any difference will be found later on in my statement in respect of the above mentioned property then I shall be fully responsible for the same.
Declarant /Deponent
Verified that the contents of my above declaration are true and correct to best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein.
Verified at _________ on _________.
Declarant /Deponent
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