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Demand Notice by Employee to Employer

_____ son of _____,
_____Through it’s Proprietor/Partner/Director
I, the undersigned, do hereby serve you with the following demand notice, if my demands are not conceded within the period of _____ days from the date of receipt of this demand notice then I shall be constrained to take necessary action against you: –
1-    That you appointed me as _____ on _____ on monthly salary of _____/- per month and my last drawn salary was _____/- per month excluding other service benefits.
2-    That on _____ at about _____ I was on my duty and was under your employment, control and in the service. I was working in the _____. On the same day _____.
3-    That since the date of the above said accident i.e. w.e.f. _____ to _____ I remained under the treatment in different Hospitals and the expenses of the treatment was born by my self because you had refused to pay me the treatment expenditure. You did not pay the salary w.e.f. _____to _____ to me without any reason or cause.
4-    That on _____ I joined my duty in your company and I discharged my duties to the entire satisfaction of you and my seniors and superiors. You have deducted _____/- per month from my salary since the month of _____ and you have also been deducted the sum of _____/- for provident fund since the date of my employment. I requested you not to deduct the amount of _____/- per month from my salary since the month of _____ but you did not pay attention towards my requests.
5-    That you have also refused to pay the amount of L.T.A., Bonus @ _____% by you flatly refused to pay the same to me.
6-    That on _____ when I came to  the company for my duties but you did not take me on duty intentionally and knowingly and refused to enter into the company premises without disclosing any fault on behalf of me and turned me out
7-    That termination of my services in this manner is quite illegal, against the principles of natural justice, misuse of managerial powers, colorable exercise of the managerial powers and illegal termination in a forcible manner and against the Labour laws.
It is therefore, prayed that I may kindly be re-instated into my services with my full back wages and continuity of my services.
Dated _______
_____ son of _____

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