1- _______ son of _______2- _______ son of _______
Both residents of _______, District _______.
VERSUS1- _______,
2- _______,
…..Judgement Debtors/respondents
The decree Holders most respectfully submits as under: –
1- That the complainant filed the present complaint before the Hon’ble President District Consumer Redressal Forum, _______ on _______, which was received by this Hon’ble Forum, vide its order dated _______.
2- That this Hon’ble Forum was pleased to pass the order dated _______ in the following manner :-
The complaint of the complainant is succeeded and is hereby accepted. To satisfy the grounds of the complainant, the following order is passed
The respondents are further ordered to comply with the order of the Forum within ____ days after the receipt of the copy of the same. Complaint has been disposed off accordingly. File is consigned to the record room.
3- That since the date of passing the above mentioned order the respondents /judgement debtors is well within the knowledge about the above mentioned order of this Hon’ble form.
4- That the respondents have failed to comply the order dated _______ intentionally and deliberately.
5- That the judgement debtors/respondents are liable to comply the order of this Hon’ble Forum and further they are liable to pay compensation of _______/- for causing business loss and mental agony to the complainant for unnecessary harassment and non-compliance of the order of this Hon’ble Forum. The judgement debtors are further liable to pay a sum of _______/- as expenses of this Execution application to the complainant/decree holder.
It is, therefore, prayed that this hon’ble Forum may graciously be pleased to:
i) Pass an order directing the respondents comply the order dated _______ passed by this Hon’ble Forum immediately by way of _______ of the decree holder.
ii) Pass an order directing the respondents to pay _______/- to the complainant for mental tension, harassment and business loss suffered by the decree holder due to non-compliance of the order dated _______, jointly and severally.
iii) Pass an order directing the respondent to pay a sum of _______/- as Costs of this execution application jointly and severally.
iv) Any other relief, which this hon’ble forum deems fit and proper, may also kindly be granted to the complainant.
Place: _______
Complainant /D.H.
1- _______ son of _______
2- _______ son of _______
1- _______ son of _______
2- _______ son of _______
Through counsel:
_______ Advocate, _______
_______ Advocate, _______
Verified that the contents of our above execution application are true to best of our knowledge and belief.
Verified at _______ on ________
Verified that the contents of our above execution application are true to best of our knowledge and belief.
Verified at _______ on ________
Complainant /D.H.
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