_________ Son of _________Resident of _________, District _________
VERSUS1- _________ Through its _________
2- _________, _________
Criminal Complaint Under Section _________ Negotiable Instruments Act
read with section _________ of the Act & Under Section _________
Police Station: _________
Sir,The complainant most respectfully submits as under:-
1- That the complainant _________.
2- That after _________.
3- That _________.
4- That _________.
5- That _________.
6- That complainant has been residing at _________, the banker of the complainant is also situated at _________ and thus entire cause of action accrued in favour of the complainant at _________ within the territorial jurisdiction of this Hon’ble court and therefore this Hon’ble court has got the jurisdiction to entertain and try the present complaint.
It is, therefore, most respectfully prayed that the accused may kindly be summoned, prosecuted and punished as per the provisions of the section _________ of the N.I. Act read with section _________ of the act and under section _________ of IPC.
Dated: _________ Complainant
_______ S/o _________
R/o _________, _________,
District _________.
R/o _________, _________,
District _________.
Through counsel:
_________Advocate, _________
_________Advocate, _________
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