1. I shall install sewer connection within a period of _________ days from the date of sanction.
2. I shall be liable to pay all outstanding dues to _________ on account of existing / cut off sewer connections, development charges if any in the name of previous owner/occupier of the premises.
3. I shall be liable for the forfeiture of advance, security and development charges and also cancellation of sanction of sewer connection / disconnection of unauthorized sewer connection, if, particulars furnished above are found to be wrong at the time of inspection by the Officers of the _________.
4. I shall install the sewer connection for the premises through Licensed Plumber as per guidelines of _________ and will intimate the name and address of such Plumber to _________.
5. I shall pay road restoration charges to the Concerned Authority.
6. I agree that sanction of sewer connection or payment of development charges, or payment of any other outstanding dues would not condone the illegality or un-authorized construction and liability of action in consequence thereof and would not, in itself, entitle the applicant for claiming any right, title or claim in respect of the premises.
7. I shall abide by the provisions of the _________ Board Act, _________ and Rules/Regulations framed or orders, directions issued there under.
8. I shall be responsible for civil and criminal liability, if particulars furnished are found wrong, or Undertaking given herein is not discharged properly.
Signature of Applicant
Name: _________
Address: _________
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