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Request letter for execution of Sale Deed to Owner Nominee

S/o _________________
R/o ________________
Subjest: Execution of Sale Deed in favour of _____ of applicant.
Dear Sir,
You sold your _____ to the _____ in the year _____to the applicant. The applicant paid you the full and final sale consideration of the said house. You delivered the original documents to the applicant at that time.

You executed the agreement to sell, will, receipt of payment, G.P.A. in favour of husband of the applicant, conveyance deed and allotment letter etc.
You also delivered the actual and physical possession of the said house to the applicant at the time of selling the said house.

Now the applicant wants to get the sale Deed executed and registered in favour of his/her _____ in respect of the above-mentioned house. As per the terms and conditions of the agreement you assured that you would execute and get the sale Deed registered either in the name of the applicant or his/her nominees as and when required by the applicant.

You are therefore, requested please come before the Office of _____, _____ for executing the sale Deed in favour of the _____ of the applicant namely _____ within the period of _____ positively so that the sale Deed may be get registered and executed.

Thanking you,
Dated: _____     
_____W/o _____R/o _____

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