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Declaration of Parent for Minor Passport- ANNEXURE ‘G’

I/We________ solemnly declare and affirms as follows:
1.       That I/We am/are the mother/father/parents/guardians of ________ who is a minor child and on whose behalf ________.  I/We have made an application for his/her passport.
2.       Signature/Consent of Mr/Mrs________ who is father/mother/parents of the child has not ________ been obtained by me for the following reasons:
3.       That I/We only am/are taking care of ________ he/she is exclusively in my physical custody. 
4.        I/We also affirm that in the case of a court case arising due to issue of a passport to the minor child________ .
I/We would be solely responsible for defending the case and not the Passport Issuing Authority.
 Date: ________
Signature & Address of the parent (s)/guardian(s) applying for the Passport

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