_____ Versus _____
1- That the above noted appeal is pending before this Hon’ble court and is fixed for _____.
2- That the appellant – applicant has arrived at compromise with the respondent No.1 and 2 _____ and respondent No.2 has given assurance to the appellant _____.
3- That now the applicant /appellant want to withdraw the above noted appeal from this Hon’ble court.
It is, therefore, prayed that the above mentioned case file may kindly be summoned for today and the appeal of the appellant –applicant may kindly be dismissed as withdrawn in the interest of justice.
Dated _____
_____, Advocate, _____
Searches related to Case Withdrawal Appeal Application
withdrawal of appeal immigration
withdrawal of appeal letter
notice of withdrawal of appeal
_____ Versus _____
Application for Summoning of file and for withdrawal of the appeal
Most respectfully showeth :-1- That the above noted appeal is pending before this Hon’ble court and is fixed for _____.
2- That the appellant – applicant has arrived at compromise with the respondent No.1 and 2 _____ and respondent No.2 has given assurance to the appellant _____.
3- That now the applicant /appellant want to withdraw the above noted appeal from this Hon’ble court.
It is, therefore, prayed that the above mentioned case file may kindly be summoned for today and the appeal of the appellant –applicant may kindly be dismissed as withdrawn in the interest of justice.
Dated _____
_____ son of _____ resident of _____
Through counsel_____ son of _____ resident of _____
_____, Advocate, _____
Searches related to Case Withdrawal Appeal Application
withdrawal of appeal immigration
withdrawal of appeal letter
notice of withdrawal of appeal