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Appeal Against Decreed Application

In the court of Hon’ble District Judge, _____ 
    Civil Appeal No. _____of _____
1- _____ son of _____,
2- _____ son of _____
3- _____ son of _____,
All residents of _____, District _____
1- _____, through its _____, _____
2- _____Through _____, _____
Suit No.  _____ of _____
Date of filing: _____  
 Date of Decision: _____
Court Fee on L.C.: _____
Court Fees on Appeal: _____
Appeal against the Judgement and decree dated _____ Passed by the _____ of _____, _____vide which the Learned lower court dismissed the suit of the appellants/plaintiffs.
Claim in Appeal:
The appeal of the appellants/plaintiffs may kindly be Accepted and the Judgement and Order dated _____ passed by the Learned Lower court may kindly be set – aside/quashed and the suit of the appellants/plaintiffs may kindly be decreed as prayed for in the plaint in favour of the appellants and against the respondents/defendants
Grounds of appeal:
1- That the Judgement and decree dated _____ passed by the Learned lower court is _____.
2- That the learned Lower court _____ the issues No.1 in _____ of the appellants/plaintiffs and _____ held that the plaintiffs/appellants .
The plaintiff/appellant deposed in his statement that he is in actual and physical possession over the disputed property. The learned lower court _____ this issues in _____ of the respondents/defendants and _____ the appellants/plaintiffs.
3- That the order of the Learned Lower court is based on the _____and _____.
4- That the learned lower court _____ that the appellants/plaintiffs would _____ sought for granted to the appellants.
5- That the appeal of the appellants is well within the time
         It is therefore, prayed that the appeal of the appellants/plaintiffs may kindly be accepted and the Judgement and Order dated _____ passed by the Learned Lower court may kindly be set – aside in the interest of justice.
1- _____ son of _____,
2- _____ son of _____
3- _____ son of _____,
All residents of _____, _____
Through counsel:
 _____ Advocate, _____
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