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T 1654/19 - The CPA should ideally

Key points

  •  The Board, on the selection of the closest prior art: "t is established case law that the closest prior art should ideally be a document which mentions the purpose or objective indicated in the [patent under examination] as a goal worth achieving (Case Law, supra, I.D.3.2). The aim thereof is that the assessment process should be based on a situation that is as close as possible to that faced in reality by the inventor, avoiding ex post facto considerations."

  • On the procedure: two opponents appealed. One later withdrew the appeal. The other opponent relies on the former appellant's earlier arguments in the appeal. 
  • The Board: "The appellant and the other party [the other opponent] submitted that the claimed composition lacks an inventive step over D1, which was contested by the respondent.  From a procedural point of view, the respondent submitted during the oral proceedings that only opponent 1, as a former appellant and now other party, filed a reasoned objection starting from D1 as the closest prior art. Opponent 2, as the only remaining appellant, would have merely referred in the said letter ... to the submissions made in the statements of grounds of appeal of opponent 1, i.e. to the submissions of the former appellant and now other party. The respondent [patentee] considers that the objection of inventive step based on document D1 as the closest prior art is therefore no longer part of the appeal proceedings. This is not convincing. As recalled in decision T 1820/18 (point 4 of the Reasons), it is not possible to split the appeal proceedings into different procedures, each dealing separately with the grounds for opposition and the facts, evidence and arguments presented by the individual opponents concerned (T 790/03, point 2.1 of the Reasons). Therefore, each opponent can rely on any grounds, facts, evidence and arguments duly submitted by other opponents (see also T 620/99, point 1 of the Reasons; T 1657/14, point 2.4.3 of the Reasons)."
The link to the decision is provided after the jump, as well as (an extract of) the text of the decision.


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