Key points
- " The Board observes that the [inventive step] attacks based on D24 and D34 were raised in writing during the opposition proceedings in reply to the preliminary opinion of the opposition division []. However, the minutes of the opposition oral proceedings (see point 19.) indicate that "The three opponents agreed that D9 was the closest prior art. The proprietor argued that example 2 of D2 would be a better closest prior art [...]". According to the minutes, the choice between D2 and D9 as closest prior art was then discussed but no other document was considered by any opponent. None of the appellants requested a correction of the minutes. In line with T 2730/16, the Board considers that the attacks starting from D24 and D34 were not actively maintained."
- "It follows that these attacks do not form part of the appeal proceedings according to Article 12(2) RPBA 2020. Their admittance into the appeal proceedings is thus at the discretion of the Board according to Article 12(4) RPBA 2020."
- "The implicit abandonment of the attacks based on D24 and D34 by appellant 1 prevented the decision from being based thereupon. A re-introduction of these attacks would be against the purpose of the appeal proceedings to constitute a judicial review of the appealed decision and against procedural economy."
- Note, the Board here seems to apply Art. 12(6).
The link to the decision is provided after the jump, as well as (an extract of) the text of the decision.