Key points
- The applicant requests the re-establishment of rights for entry into the European phase with further processing.
- " EPO Form 1010 ("Payment of fees and expenses") was annexed indicating bank transfer as the mode of payment and the payment of fees including one fee for re-establishment of rights and fees for further processing (except the fee for further processing for the failure to file the written request for examination). The Receiving Section "expressed its preliminary view that the request for re-establishment of rights was inadmissible because five re-establishment fees were due and only one was paid. In response to this communication, the applicant, in a letter dated 18 May 2020, submitted further reasons for the admissibility of the request, requested correction of a transcription error in the fee calculation sheet (Form 1010) under Rule 139 EPC and paid four additional re-establishment fees."
- The Receiving Section rejects the request.
- In appeal, the applicant requests a correction of the fee calculation sheet.
- The Legal Board: " In accordance with Rule 139, first sentence, EPC, only errors in documents filed with the EPO may be corrected. Consequently, an error in a bank transfer order cannot be corrected under Rule 139 EPC because it is not an error in a document filed with the EPO but a document filed with a bank. The requested correction of Form 1010 (whether allowable or not) would not remedy the non-payment, which was not caused by the indications in Form 1010 but by the transfer order given to the bank."
- More importantly, the appellant challenged the Receiving Section's view that five RE fees would be due.
- The Legal Board, turning to the precedent: " In J 26/95, the Legal Board of Appeal was dealing with a case where the applicant had failed to reply to a communication pursuant to Article 96(2) and Rule 51(2) EPC 1973. This led to the application being deemed to be withdrawn. The applicant had also failed to pay a renewal fee in due time. The applicant submitted that only one fee was due in connection with its requests for re-establishment in respect of both time limits missed since both time limits had not been complied with for the same reason (serious financial difficulties). However, the Board held that where time limits expiring independently of one another have been missed by the applicant, each resulting in the application being deemed withdrawn, a request for re-establishment had to be filed in respect of each unobserved time limit. Consequently, a fee for re-establishment had to be paid for each request. It was irrelevant whether the requests for re-establishment were based on the same or different grounds."
- The Legal Board, turning to the present case: " In the Board's view, the individual acts required under Rule 159(1) EPC do not form a unitary procedural step but are legally independent requirements subject to independent time limits although some of them may coincide in a particular case. The legal consequences and possible remedies of not fulfilling the requirements of Rule 159(1) EPC are not identical. The legal consequence provided in Rule 160 EPC (application deemed to be withdrawn) does not apply to all of these requirements. In contrast to some other requirements listed in Rule 159(1) EPC, non-payment of the third renewal fee within the time limit provided for in Rule 159(1)(g) EPC does not lead to an immediate loss of right since the fee can still be paid within a further period of six months. On the other hand, the remedy of further processing is not available with respect to this requirement."
- " It follows from the above that in the current case the appellant had to pay more than one re-establishment fee. However, only one re-establishment fee was paid in due time. The remaining re-establishment requests are not deemed to have been filed since the required fees were not paid within two months from the removal of the cause of non-compliance (Rule 136(1) EPC), "
- As a comment, the Board here does not say that five RE requests were necessary. The reasoning seems to only distinguish between the payment of the renewal fee with a surcharge on the one hand and the other acts with further processing on the other hand. See also T 1823/16.
The link to the decision is provided after the jump, as well as (an extract of) the text of the decision.