Key points
- The OD revokes the patent. The written decision is dated 10.08.2015. On 05.08.2015, a valid request for registration of a transfer of the patent was filed. The registration under Rule 85 on 14.08.2015 with effect as of 05.08.2015.
- On 08.10.2015, a Notice of appeal was filed in the name of the first patentee.
- The Board decides that this appeal is inadmissible under Article 107.
- "Am 8. Oktober 2015 war die Clariant Finance (BVI) Limited daher nicht mehr Patentinhaberin und konnte demgemäß auch keine rechtswirksame Beschwerde einreichen."
- A second appeal was filed on 26.11.2015 in the name of the new patentee. This is clearly outside the two-month period if calculated from 20.08.2015.
- However, here we enter EQE D territory. Namely, the question is whether the written decision of 10.08.2015 was validly notified to the patentee. Without a valid notification, the period for filing an appeal does not start to run (but a Notice of appeal can already be filed before the notification).
- "Die Zulässigkeit dieser Beschwerde hängt davon ab, ob die angefochtene Entscheidung der Einspruchsabteilung einer beschwerdeberechtigten Partei mindestens zwei Monate und 10 Tage vor Beschwerdeerhebung, das heißt vor dem 16. September 2015 (vgl. Artikel 108, Regel 126(2) EPÜ), wirksam zugestellt wurde - in diesem Fall wäre die Beschwerde vom 26. November 2015 verspätet und damit unzulässig - oder ob eine wirksame Zustellung später oder gar nicht erfolgt ist - in diesem Fall wäre die Beschwerde rechtzeitig eingelegt und damit zulässig. "
- The decision of the OD was notified to a professional representative. The question is if the representative was an authorized representative of the party that was the patentee, at the relevant date.
- The transfer of the patent was effective 05.08.2015, such that the decision could not be notified to the representative. Moreover, the request of 05.08.2015 mentioned a new representative for the new patentee.
- Hence, the second appeal was timely filed.
- For the admissibility of the Main Request, the Board applies Art. 13 RPBA 2007 because the first summons was issued before 01.01.2020.
The link to the decision is provided after the jump, as well as (an extract of) the text of the decision.