Key points
- In this opposition appeal, in translation: "In the opposition proceedings, the appellants, as opponents, attacked inventive step in the oral proceedings based on D3 as the closest prior art, see pages 2 and 3 of the minutes of the proceedings. Other lines of argument put forward in the notice of opposition or in the further course of the opposition proceedings were not pursued further [during the oral proceedings]. Accordingly, inventive step was dealt with in the decision under appeal solely on the basis of D3, see point 16 of the reasons for the decision."
- "In its statement of grounds of appeal, the appellant does not address the opposition division's decision at all. It neither argues that the subject matter of the independent claims is obvious to the person skilled in the art based on D3, nor does it argue that and why D3, contrary to the view taken by both parties in the opposition hearing and consequently adopted in the opposition decision, does not represent the closest prior art ."
- "Instead, the appellant raises objections based on D1 (claim 1) or D4 (claim 8), which were raised in its notice of opposition or in later submissions in the opposition proceedings, but were not pursued further in the course of the opposition proceedings. "
"The Board does not admit this argument into the appeal proceedings under Article 12(4) RPBA 2007 "
"Pursuant to Article 12(2) RPBA 2007, to which the aforementioned Article 12(4) refers, the statement of grounds of appeal must state the grounds on which the contested decision is to be set aside. This has not happened with regard to Article 56 EPC. The primary purpose of the appeals procedure is to review the contested decision in court, and not to revive lines of argument that were abandoned in the course of the opposition proceedings and therefore not dealt with in the contested decision, and to feed them into a decision for the first time in the appeals procedure."
"The Appellant did not comment further on this point addressed in the Board's communication under Article 15(3) RPBA 2020." The opponent/appellant indicated that he would not attend the hearing. The claims are held to be inventive.
As a comment, the minutes of the oral proceedings before the OD indeed mention that the opponent selected D3 as the closest prior art.
As a further comment "or which were no longer maintained" is a new addition in Art. 12(6)(s.2) RPBA 2020 compared to Art. 12(4) RPBA.