Political Documentation of Israel
Call on Arab and Jewish groups to cease acts of violence, Security Council Resolution, S/714, 1 April 1948. Report to the Zionist General Council by David BenGurion, 6 April 1948. Call for cessation of all military activities and violence in Palestine, Security Council Resolution S/723, 17 April 1948. Establishment of a United Nations Truce Commission for Palestine, Security Council Resolution S/727, 23 April 1948. Arab League declaration on the invasion of Palestine, 15 May 1948. Broadcast by Prime Minister BenGurion, on Sabbath, 15 May 1948. Letter from secretary-general Trygve Lie to the Powers on the situation in Palestine, 16 May 1948. Call to the parties to cease fire, Security Council Resolution S/773, 22 May 1948.