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T 1854/19 - Implicitly overruling the Administrative Council

 Key points

  • This is a follow-up case to G 3/19 (Pepper). In pepper, the Enlarged Board gave a new interpretation of Article 53(b) EPC which corresponds to Rule 28(2) EPC in excluding ‘essentially biological plants’ from patentability (but in fact appears to exclude more from patentability than Rule 28(2) EPC). The Enlarged Board said in G 3/19 that “this negative effect does not apply to European patents granted before 1 July 2017 and European patent applications which were filed before that date and are still pending”; the ‘negative effect’ is that of Article 53(b) EPC for the types of plant-related subject-matter recited in G 3/19 hn.1. 
  • However, the Administrative Council decided that Rule 28(2) EPC “shall apply to European patent applications filed on or after this date [01.07.2017], as well as to European patent applications and European patents pending at that time”, Article 3 of the Decision Administrative Council 29.06.20147 OJ 2017 A56.
  • The Enlarged Board in G 3/19 has not said (or at least not explicitly) that Rule 28(2) is invalid, neither that said Article 3 of the AC Decision is invalid.
  • Therefore, G3/19 strictly speaking leaves open the question of whether Rule 28(2) is to be applied to applications filed before 01.07.2020
  • The present Board: “In view of the provisions set out by the Enlarged Board of Appeal for European patent applications pending before 1 July 2017, the new interpretation of Article 53(b) EPC - announced in opinion G 3/19 [...]- has no retroactive negative effect on the subject-matter of the main request (see opinion G 3/19, points XXVIII and XXIX). This implies that the opinion does not acknowledge the retroactive effect, as provided for in Article 3 of the Decision of the Administrative Council of 29 June 2017 [OJ 2017 A56] that introduced Rule 28(2) EPC.”
  • This Board finds that “the subject-matter of the set of claims of the main request is not excluded from patentability” because of the filing date of the present application and because " Article 53(b) EPC, as interpreted by decisions G 2/12 and G 2/13 is applicable to the present application”. Strictly speaking, the present Board still does not say that Rule 28(2) is not applicable to this application but this is unambiguously implied by finding that the subject-matter is not excluded from patentability. 
  • So this Board finds that the Enlarged Board implicitly overruled the Administrative Council in G3/19.
  • I note that said Article 3 of said Decision of the AC is not strictly speaking a provision of the Implementing Regulation, so it is not clear if Article 164(2) applies. 

EPO T 1854/19 - - link

Reasons for the Decision

1. The appeal complies with Articles 106 to 108 and Rule 99 EPC and is therefore admissible.

Main request - claims 1 to 14

Exceptions to patentability (Article 53(b) EPC)

2. In view of the provisions set out by the Enlarged Board of Appeal for European patent applications pending before 1 July 2017, the new interpretation of Article 53(b) EPC - announced in opinion G 3/19 of 14 May 2020 and being consequential to the introduction of Rule 28(2) EPC on 1 July 2017 - has no retroactive negative effect on the subject-matter of the main request (see opinion G 3/19, points XXVIII and XXIX). This implies that the opinion does not acknowledge the retroactive effect, as provided for in Article 3 of the Decision of the Administrative Council of 29 June 2017 that introduced Rule 28(2) EPC.

3. Thus, Article 53(b) EPC, as interpreted by decisions G 2/12 and G 2/13 (OJ EPO, 2016, A27 and A28) is applicable to the present application and the subject-matter of the set of claims of the main request is not excluded from patentability.

4. The board thus considers the appeal allowable.


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